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Office Reinstatement is more than just demolition

It takes time, effort and resources to plan and manage

June 3, 2019

What is Office Reinstatement? | Hong Kong

When a lease agreement is about to end, most people think the reinstatement work is simply just to dismantle all the partitions and remove the furniture, However it actually requires a lot of planing and involves much more then you think.

For example, replacing damaged glass doors, adding the required standard 1 hour fire rated glass doors, it can take up to 4 weeks lead time, and days for installation.

All the original ceiling panels and floor panels must be re- installed or your landlord will not accept the reinstatement. The lead time for Ceiling Panels and Raised Floor Panels can extend over months depending on the type of panels the office uses.

Co-ordination with BM and working with nominated contractors and building approved contractors and suppliers to ensure the reinstatement requirements are met and delivered on time required office reinstatement professionals.

Dealing with different nominated / recommended contractors by the building management can be quite complex and very time consuming. The variety of contractors include Fire Services, Air Conditioning, Water supply and drainage and Main Power.

Office reinstatement is a detailed project that requires planning and precision, simply taking down a few partitions and furniture removal will not be sufficient to have your deposit returned to you .

The reinstatement process is a complicated task, if you don't find the professionals to reinstate your office you could risk losing your deposit, waste time and money to find the right people to redo the project again and breach your legal liabilities.

The best way is to talk to the professionals, we are always here to help and offer advice, why don’t just get a free quotation from us for reference?

Feel free to contact us for quotation or more details: or Visit